... Arwen Newband accompanied by Anna Le Hair performed Z domoviny (From my homeland) for violin and piano, bringing out well the special atmosphere of its Czech folk melodies, that seem able to be both happy and sad, and the contrasting material’s stirring dance rhythms. ..... In the second half Anna Le Hair rattled through Chabrier’s Valse-scherzo – by which I don’t mean to cast any aspersions on her performance, far from it: it’s just that sort of piece! Then she was joined by Arwen Newband, Edmund Booth on violins, Nicholas Turner, viola, and Sarah Boxhall cello [for Dvorák's Piano Quintet in A] ........  The second movement ‘Dumka’ – a movement in which a deeply melancholy theme, played very movingly by pianist and viola player, alternates with highly contrasted lively sections. The two quick movements were dispatched with infectious vitality bringing a lovely concert to a warm-hearted close.  Ken Ward, Editor, The Bruckner Journal , 7th November 2011, review on the Bachtrack website.
